We’d love to have more members like you.

Would it make YOUR life easier if the people around you had a clear vision, effective workflow practices and the motivation to do more of what inspires them? Do you have family, friends and co-workers who could use some support on clarifying their Most Important Things?

The Get Momentum program is a combination of self-paced training sessions along with a one-on-one personal coaching each month. We know how valuable this attention is. We strive to cultivate this community and invite key people to join Get Momentum.

Rather than hard sell Get Momentum, we invite people who are lifelong learners, interested in improvement, and want to be surrounded by a supportive network of professionals. We’d love for you to invite these people to join Get Momentum, too!

Your recommendation is the highest compliment we can imagine.

You’re  welcome to share the flier we made with people you think might be interested. We strive to make Get Momentum the world’s most effective community coaching program. You can print it out to give to someone you’d like to have in the program. You can also forward them the link to the letter below. Just click on the image below.

   Get Momentum Invitation


If you have any questions or need more info to send along, let us know!

BEST wishes,





Jason W. Womack      Jodi Womack
(805) 798-1362 Cell   (805) 798-1295 Cell

Partners in work and life since 1993.