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Surround Yourself With Very Successful People

Who’s on your team? Who’s got your back? Where is your personal brain-trust? 

You need great minds to bounce your ideas around. This is especially true when it comes to advancing your career and making personal skills-based improvements. Whether you run your own business, are a senior manager, or are just starting your career, you need access to the right people. I know for personal experience that how far you get is tied directly to the kind of people you spend the most time with.

If you do not have people around you that push you to be better, then success is harder than it needs to be. In fact, those who do NOT spend time around the right people may earn less, take fewer vacations and have a more difficult life because of that. You can make things better starting now.

As a member of the GET MOMENTUM Membership program, you will be surrounded by a group of people that genuinely care about making things better. Through discussion forums and monthly Town Hall meetings, they will challenge you to achieve more in life and at work. As a member, you’ll have the unique opportunity to get personal support from Jason via email, phone calls and the online discussion forums. Each conversation is designed to help you at the strategic and the tactical levels.

There are almost daily highlights of “Get Momentum” but if I were to choose one I would say “The Community”.

All day I get to be in my own head, which is usually great ;).  The videos tell me how you feel about each section or month…but the community gives fresh ideas from people I would never have access to.  Their application of all of the things we learn together are both inspiring and practical.  It also expands appreciation from me to more people and more people to me.  Appreciation and Acknowledgement in two directions with people who have no previous history together but only a common bond of accomplishing greater things is a huge momentum builder.

Cico Rodriquez
Get Momentum member since 2013